Sunday, April 11, 2010

Evaporated, Sweetened Condensed, & Low Carb Milk

Low Carb Milk
One cup makes

2 tablespoons of heavy cream
1 1/3 tablespoons of instant dry milk
1 cup of cold water
sprinkle of salt
tiny sprinkle of Splenda

Sweetened Condensed Milk
1/2 cup boiling water
1 cup whole milk powder (Nestle makes it, called NIDO)
6 Splenda packets
2 tbsp powdered erythritol
2 tablespoons regular butter
1/4 teaspoon Xanthan gum

Place boiling water, whole milk powder, Splenda, erythritol, butter and xanthan gum in blender and blend until smooth. Allow to cool to room temperature before using in a recipe or store in refrigerator up to 1 week.

Evaporated Milk
2/3 cup skim milk
powder and 1 cup water
OR 1 cup dry whole milk and 2/3 cup water.

Mix well and use
as directed in recipe.

2/3 cup evaporated milk = one 5 oz. Can.
1-1/2 cups evaporated milk = one 12 oz. can

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